Friday, June 27, 2014

My Water Cycle Story

The Water Cycle and Stewy


Triston Bronston


One day Stewy Water was living in the clouds. The cloud turned grey and then it rained. Stewy Water fell with the rain into the Tuba City Reservoir Stewy saw plants, bushes, horses, birds, duck, and a house. Stwey Water was at Hopi reservoir he pasted Hopi crops into spring then into the river. Stewy Water want to go back to the clouds. Stewy Water just lived the Water Cycle. Stewy went through condensation, run-off , and evapotranspiration.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How does the water cycle play a role in the conservation of waterand the issues surrounding the contamin ation of potable water?

Think about what you have learned from the presentation by Project W.E.T from NAU, the Navajo EPA, the NTUA Presentation, and what you have learned in all of your classes this week. Explain your answer in 4-5 sentences.

I leaned about the NAU how the Water Shape Left 

Is it important to know the different types and sources of water?why?

Think about what you have learned from our field trip this week to Moenave, Dinosaur Track, Hopi
Water Treatment Center, and what you have learned in all your classes this week. Explain your answer in 3-4 sentences.

How can we use water wisely? What are the roles of different sectors in the community in water conservation?

Think about what you have leared from the Hopi Reservoir Field Trip and the water from the Little Colorado River that flows from Glenn Canyon Dam thru Lee's Ferry. Also include information  you have learned from all of your classes. Explain your answer in 5-6 sentences.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why is water suitable & relevant for life to exist?

Think about the field trip to Glen Canyon Dam, and what you have learned in all of your classes
this week. Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.

The Glen Canyon Dam was made to create electricity, also to provide water to seven states, and for
recreational activities. We just went to Lake Powell to go swimming. It helps people live by giving them water to drink and providing electricity.